From Kathryn
I'm excited to invite you to the online video division of A Happy Balance. After teaching for years, both privately and for groups, I thought online videos would be the perfect answer to ease and accessibility. There is so much evidence-based research that supports physical activity as a basic tool in the prevention (and even reversal) of chronic disease. And since we can't always get together I thought a place where videos could be accessed via computer, phone or ipad would be just the ticket. At, A Happy Balance online videos, you will find Movement Videos with 12 categories of movement focus including hips, full body, bone density, balance, back, arms & shoulders, the foam roller, legs & hamstrings, stretching, abdominal work, chair exercises and now longer ZOOM videos (from my live-steaming Pilates, Bone Density and Stretch classes). The videos under every category (other than the ZOOM category) range from 5 - 15 minutes in length allowing you to do a video from one category (like hips) or combine a few (hips, arms and back). Make your movement session long or short and know that you're in control. It won’t matter if you’re getting back into movement, recovering from surgery or an injury, or are already active and just want something extra. There is plenty here for you to do with more videos uploaded regularly. Your responsibility, is to listen to your body, know your boundaries and do what feels good. And let the videos help you move in new and different ways. Try our free, video and see what you think. Enjoy.

Meet Oscar
It's impossible to have a video section without introducing Oscar because he will most likely walk through the video recording, bark or just do what he wants to do. Why? Because... that's what he does best. We love him a lot and we hope he brings a little joy to your session.

And Now Pearl
And now there's Pearl who's quite the gal. She's part debutante, part wrestler and she's giving us quite the run for our money. With her it's not, "if" she'll make a video appearance, it's "when". And she won't be hard to miss.